Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 1, 2010- Monthly Meeting!

Ahhhh! Our temperature is cooling and the sweet smell of the holidays is beginning it's annual descent. This Saturday we met at Spring Creek BBQ to discuss plans for our Early Voting Rally (October 23-Cypress Top Park) and watchdogging the polls.We have decided we are tired of the Acorn business and it's time for truth and justice to reign in Cypress, Texas.

Larry Youngblood, CFISD board member, spoke to our group about the HUGE debt load CFISD is carrying. So listen up Cypress, before you vote on the new school board members this November 2, really investigate which direction the board is taking us.  The CFISD Board Candidate Forum is coming up! Good time to ask some questions! Here is the link:

Opening prayer from our October 1st meeting:

Heavenly Father, We love You and thank You for this day, our Country, and Your providence that is still waiting for us. Lead us to do our part and steward the liberty and freedoms our forefathers worked so hard to achieve. Help us uncover deception and falsehood wherever it lies.

Make us beacons of light, of truth, saying the things You want us to say and doing the things You want us to do.This is our country, and we commit the work of restoring honor, remembering our Godly heritage, and working towards greater liberty to You, and we ask that You establish our thoughts and keep us in the right place at the right time and give us the courage to do what is right every time.For the coming election on Nov. 2nd and the following Presidential election, please wake our country up out of apathy, and give us wisdom to choose righteously.

Help us to educate ourselves and steward our liberty and our right to vote prudently. Please give us ideas in this meeting that bring us joy to perform. In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.